Tuesday, September 15, 2009


From what I can tell, no one has written on the class blog to comment on. So just for some kind of start do any of you actually enjoy and like reading? If so what kind of stuff do you like to read and who do you like to read?


  1. I enjoy and like reading. I like to read adventurous, science fiction and funny, romantic fantasies. I like to read stuff that is gripping though, but not analytical. I would have a hard time reading something about murder or conspiracy or about whaling.
    I like to read Tamora Pierce, Jane Austen, Mark Twain, E. E. Cummings, Marjane Satrapi, JKRowling, Bill Willingham, and David Mack.

    I am desperately trying to finish three books at once, Star Trek, Pride Prejudice and Zombies, and the Jane Austen Book Club.

  2. I love that, "murder or conspiracy or about whaling." Moby Dick, much?

  3. I love to read! I usually like to read murder mysteries, thrillers, fantasy, and books of that nature. My favorite author from this genre is definitely Dean Koontz.I also really enjoy Stephanie Meyer and am one of those annoying Twilight fans that my brother loves to hate, ha! I do however have a great appreciation of the classics and found sometimes I enjoy reading those just as much. Pride and Prejudice being one of my favorite books. I'm the type of person that will read just about anything bc I feel that if you haven't read it, you can't possibly know if you like it or not. I also have a deep love for poetry, even though I have kind of gotten away from reading and writing it.

  4. I dont read much, but when i do read it has to be something that really catches my attention. Usually a romance novel, or a mystery novel just because i like suspense. Honestly it really doesnt matter who the author is, as long as it has my attention.

  5. Wow...people actually like to read? What? Haha. Just kidding. I love to read, but haven't had much time for it lately. I am a sucker for romance and mystery and comedy. Occasionally, I'll find something science fiction that I can get into. I am also one of those annoying Twilight fans, but I also used to be one of the annoying Twilight fan haters...so I see it from both sides! I'm actually in the middle of reading another book by Stephanie Meyer called The Host. It is fantastic. I read about 200 pages last night instead of doing homework, yikes. It's about ailens taking over the entire human race. Love it. I'll stop now. Okay, BYE!

  6. Ok, I use to hate reading because every English class I have ever had made me read a lot. So having forced on me didn't help me like it any more. After high school, consequently when the Twilight novels became popular, I started reading for fun. Those were the first books and I finished them all in about 3 weeks. Stuff like that I can read because I can't stand to put it down. Anything with history...not so much. So The Host, it's good? Because I have it sitting on my nightstand but have not had a chance to open it.

  7. Yes, The Host is amazing! I am also a Twilight fan and read the Host last year. READ it!!! haha

  8. I've had it for a while. I started it right after I finished the Twilight series for the second time (nerd, I know,) and I found it a little difficult to get into. It is definitely different from Twilight, so that's a bit of an adjustment, but it is very good. Definitely start it now.

  9. I am also a twilight fan : )The movie did the book no justice AT ALL..But i havent read too many different authors. I didnt use to like to read but i picked it up when i was pregnant because i had a lot of time on my hands. I started reading James Patterson the Alex Cross novels they are good. Then i got into Iris Johanson I recently read Mary Higgons Clark or however you spell it "The Two Little Girls in Blue" it was really good....I need to read the Host i have been wanting too. I just find it hard to read during the semester because i can not start a book then not finish it asap because it will be all i can think about and i have school stuff i have to read sooo

  10. I do not really like to read. Rarely when I do read, I will read stuff like car magazines or online articles. I never read a novel for fun!!!

  11. I do not read books for fun, but i do read alot or educational books. stuff that i am interested in i will read up on to learn, but i dont read for fun.
