Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Long-distance relationships

I am currently in this relationship with another tennis girl; however she attends a different college in Birmingham, Alabama. When you think about Birmingham is not that far from Memphis, maybe just a three or four drive. Which is great and all, because I am not that far away from her. And we can visit each other whenever we have an off weekend. But, because it is somewhat close, it is kind of an obligation that we see each other. Meaning that one of us has to get in the car and make one of the most boring drives in the history of the universe. I realize that is an over-reaction, but then again you do not understand my pain because you have never made that drive.


  1. Long distance relationships are hard. I used to have a boyfriend in Jackson and almost every weekend he made the hour long drive from there to here. D: It became a huge burden because I was still in highschool at the time and couldn't make the drive to Jackson. D:


  2. If the long distance thing isnt working for you maybe you should go to a college closer to her or either the same college. Or maybe she can transfer to your college.If this continues it may not be good for your relationship. Just a suggestion.

  3. My highschool boyfriend lived in Tuscaloosa. I totally know how boring that drive is. And I know what you mean about the obligation of "just close enough." If she were in Knoxville or something, there wouldn't be that expectation; it would just be assumed that you would have to wait until holidays to see each other.

    And, yeah, Skype!!!
