Monday, November 16, 2009

A Worn Path Reflection

I always enjoy a visual representation of literature because you can take words and then deliver them in your own particular desired way. It’s always interesting to see how someone takes literature and transfers them to film, or stage, or even to art. When I read “A Worn Path” for the first time, I was slightly confused about Phoenix’s hallucinations. For me, it was not very clear in the text what was going on. When I saw the video of the story, it was easier for me to understand. Therefore, I believe I gained more understanding while watching the movie versus the actual story. Not saying, that I am the type of person who always would rather choose the movie over the book, but in this case I enjoyed the movie.
When it comes to the subject of perspective, I really didn’t see much of a change between the story and video. When reading, it was understood that Phoenix was the main character and that we, as the readers, were not able to know her every thought. The movie did take the audience slightly deeper into the world of Phoenix, just because there was more dialogue from Phoenix. She constantly talked to herself and we were able to see the facial expressions of her character. I was able to notice physical traits that created Phoenix.
In the movie, there was more emphasis put on the minor characters. The characters would be the hunter, lady who ties Phoenix’s shoes, and the nurse. Out of all these characters, I felt that the nurse had the most important role. Throughout the entire story, this is the only character that really understands and knows Phoenix. She is knowledgeable of her situation and life style. During the scene in the doctor’s office, the film maker concentrated on their relationship. The film magnifies how the nurse took time to help Phoenix and how she had sympathy for her.
I really enjoyed being able to watch this story come to life on film. I also really was glad to view the interview of the author. It really gave me more background on the story and how it came to exist. It is always very interesting to listen to the author’s insight about their own story.

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