Wednesday, October 14, 2009

For Thursday, 10/22/09

Read the O'Connor stories ("A Good Man is Hard to Find," " Revelation," and "Parker's Back"). Answer the following questions, in complete sentences/paragraphs (bring in to class):

Pg 368 - 1-4
Pg 382 - 6-7
Pg 395 - 5-9

If you do a (or more than one) blog(s) about these stories, you need to go beyond the answers to the questions and reflect on the stories, or even just one story, in a way that relates it to YOU, or the world as you see it. Drop your blogs as usual, but by Wednesday morning.

Have a great weekend, y'all. See you Thursday! Enjoy your break


  1. Do the questions need to be typed or just written in our notebooks?

  2. They can be just written. But make sure I can read them ;-)

  3. I read “A Good Man is Hard to Find” and was very confused. I tried to break it down into ingredients and eventually the made thing, but I didn’t get much. The story read very smoothly but was very slow. It took a while to catch my attention and was also predictable. The father in the story reminded me a lot of my dad. He is silent until something makes him mad, like people being loud in the car ride. Their personalities are very similar. After reflecting on this story I could not decided on a theme or idea. Maybe the theme is that there are bad people in the world and they are not going anywhere.
    WORD COUNT: 117
