Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Listen to THIS!

Mark Yakich is the poet that is coming on Friday.

Click on the book cover to listen to
GREEN ZONE NEW ORLEANS, which is a poem for nine voices in unison

Also read:
The Teller is the Only Survivor of the Fairy Tale Ending
Pretzels Come To America
Rosa Parks

1 comment:

  1. After reflecting on the piece of work we listened to in class on Thursday, I came to the conclusion that the main point of the piece is to point out the different attitudes of different people during the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. For example, some of the people who spoke independently talked about the relationship with God; however while some were happy to be alive others were mad that he would let this happen. Another attitude that stood out in my mind was the last guy to speak. This guy complained about everything. Mainly he brought up the point that the government was not doing enough, quickly enough. Still others spoke of more material things like people they were close to and relationships in their lives. When the voices came together, I thought it symbolized what attitudes stuck out by who was the loudest and which attitudes lasted the longest according to who talked the longest. The most evident example is the last guy to speak. His voice is not the loudest because that was not the main concern when the event first happened; however, he continued to talk the longest because that was the last and biggest concern of the people who were involved.
    WORD COUNT: 205
